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Science & Social Studies Resources

Science Dimensions

PearsonRealize Social Studies

School is a lab for scholars to experiment with life through play, interaction, reading, writing, math, and technology. To ensure that our students are prepared academically to meet the demands of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, NHCCS provides a rigorous curriculum of best practices within a balanced literacy and math program with integration of social studies, science, technology, and character education.  In order to facilitate our goal of ensuring that all students read, write, and think critically and independently in all academic subject areas by the end of their grade, a strong emphasis has been placed on professional development for our staff.

New Horizons Community Charter School teachers take an active part in curriculum development. Our curriculum revision cycle helps to ensure all disciplines are evaluated and revised regularly.  Well-designed curricula can assist teachers in designing powerful learning opportunities, providing a seamless grade progression, and improving student performance.  The New Horizons Community Charter School Curriculum Team supports the articulation, development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the school's curricular programming. Members of the team help to build a professional and knowledgeable network within the school. Standards-based curriculum, performance-based learning and assessment, and effective instruction to increase student achievement are the core of New Horizons Community Charter School.




Curricular Programs & Resources: 


ELA (Reading and Writing)

Grades K-8 Units of Study (Reading):  


We are a Teachers College (TC) Project school!  That means that  throughout the 2018-2019 school year, In the areas of Reading and Writing our teachers are receiving professional development through our work as a partner school with Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Beginning in late September through the end of June, two staff developers from Teachers College will work periodically on site at the school providing professional development  through interactive classroom visits and grade level meetings with teachers.  


Grades K-8 Units of Study (Writing)

Social Studies

Grades K-8 Pearson My World Social Studies Program  


Social Studies works hand in hand with ELA. We use the Our MyWorld Social Studies program is designed to provide students with experiences to support community involvement and citizenship. The MyWorld Social Studies program components include an instructional model which promotes project-based learning, leveled readers that provide reading support tied to chapter content, and atlases that can be used to introduce maps, geography, and the world.


Grade K -  3rd Grade - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Math in Focus: Singapore Math 

Singapore Math promotes mastery of mathematics through a consistent and strong emphasis on problem solving and model drawing, along with a focus on in-depth understanding of essential math concepts and skills. 

Grades 4-8: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) GO! Math 

Go Math! seeks to provide students with the opportunity to build a strong foundation of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. 


Grades K-8: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Science Dimensions

Science Dimensions is a state-of-the-art science program designed for building inquiry and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills that support the newly adopted Next Generation Standards and Science New Jersey Student Learning Standards. 


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